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Revision as of 05:32, 16 July 2005 by Joe Beaudoin Jr. (talk | contribs) (some more additions, particularly questions and notes sections)
Col. Tigh with Boomer after her arrest. (Credit:


Chaos is rampant as paramedics try to save Commander Adama's life after he is shot, and the Galactica is separated from the fleet.


On Caprica

  • In the Delphi Museum, Helo and Kara Thrace (Starbuck), after Starbuck attempts to shoot Sharon Valerii, talk about her being pregnant; Helo believes her, while Starbuck refuses to accept the fact.
  • After Starbuck's attempt to shoot Valerii, she absconds from the Delphi Museum's grounds in the Cylon Raider. (Exclaims Starbuck: "The bitch took my ride.")


  • Does Tigh recall that Gaius Baltar first tested his Cylon detector on Valerii? Or did he know in the first place?
  • Regarding the firewall status display: What is not to say that the Cylon's programmed the display, or more accurately the GUI interface for it, to show a false reading on their intrusion progress?
  • Interesting connundrum: If Kelly is the Galactica's third-in-command, then why haven't we seen (or heard) more from him in the past? It seems to be more or less contrived.
  • Just how many aboard the Galactica agree with Adama's decision to jail Roslin?



  • Socinus's lungs are filling with fluid.
  • Captain Kelly is the third in the chain of command, after Tigh.
  • Adama and Tigh served on a freighter together after leaving the military; Adama was responsible for bringing Tigh back into the military when he reentered.
  • This episode marks the first (known) attempt at networking Galactica's computer systems.
  • Tigh's distrust of Baltar seems evident in this episode, particularly in the reply he made to Gaeta regarding the trust he had in the Lieutenant's programming abilities over Baltar's.
  • Tigh's wife has taken residence in Tigh's quarters.
  • The Cylons have unveiled a new craft in this episode: an armed troop carrier.


  • During the scene on Caprica, Helo exclaims "for God Sake's" instead of the more Colonial "for Gods' Sakes".

Noteworthy Dialogue

Official Statements

  • "We shot a scene where I’m in the brig, and Tigh is trying to get in my face, and I’m all, 'Just shoot me now, you pussy.' It was great." -- Grace Park, [1]
  • We've almost completed shooting the opening of Season Two, with Michael Rymer back at the helm filming a two-parter written by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson called 'Scattered' and 'Valley of Darkness.' Things have been going well so far, with a good mood on the set and a feeling of satisfaction and pride running through the whole team at their accomplishments in year one and anticipation for year two." --

From RDM's Sci-Fi Channel Blog


Guest Stars

Writing & Direction

Production Notes

  • Series: 2 (2005 / 2006)
  • Production Number: 2.01
  • Airdate Order: 1 (of 20)

First Run Air Dates & Releases

  • UK Airdate: September 2005
  • US Airdate: July 15 2005
  • DVD Release: (UK)
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