Answered Questions from Season 4 (RDM)

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VISITORS: Please be aware that this is a list of answers for questions that are posed as a result of content from Season 1 episodes. The answers to these questions, however, likely come from episodes of later seasons that you may not have watched yet. While we do have a spoiler policy in place that warns you that spoilers are to be expected, we are reiterating that warning here, as there will undoubtedly be spoilers in this article. Thank you for your consideration. Good hunting.

Part of the series on

The Original Series
Galactica 1980
Re-imagined Series - Season 1
Re-imagined Series - Season 2
Re-imagined Series - Season 3
Re-imagined Series - Season 4
Caprica - Season 1

This is a list of answers to questions posed as a result of content from individual episodes from Season 4 of the Re-imagined Series. These questions are taken directly from the episode guides.


  • How does the Hybrid know Kendra Shaw?
Answer: The Hybrids are able to see into "the space between life and death", and thus know many things.
  • Is the Hybrid's warning that Kara Thrace is the harbinger of death true?
Answer: There are at least three ways in which Thrace acts as a harbinger of death. She forms an alliance with the rebel Cylons which leads to the attack on the Resurrection Hub, ending Cylon resurrection. She leads the fleet to Earth, a dead and ruined planet. This leads to an increase in depression and suicide within the fleet. Finally, she leads the fleet to a new planet where the Colonial human race, the Cylons, and the native humans will interbreed and give rise to a new civilization, thus dying and being reborn.
  • What does the First Hybrid mean when he says that Kara Thrace will lead the human race to their end?
Answer: Thrace leads the human race to their ultimate destination.
  • When the first Hybrid says "My children believe I am a god", to whom is he referring? The old model Cylons? The organic models?
Answer: The Centurion Guardians.
  • Did the Cylons abduct humans, such as Lucy Cain on Tauron, for further experimentation after abandoning their facilities on the ice planet?
Answer: The alliance between the Centurions and the Final Five meant an end to experimentation on humans. If Lucy Cain was abducted for this purpose, it would have to have been a splinter faction like the Guardians who were responsible.
  • If Saul Tigh fought in the first Cylon War, how was he created, since the Cylons had yet to create humanoid Cylons by the time of the armistice?
Answer: Tigh is one of a generation of Cylons far pre-dating the Centurions of the Twelve Colonies. His ancestors were created on the planet Kobol before the exodus of the thirteen tribes. Furthermore, he did not actually fight in the war, merely has false memories and records of having done so; however, he was alive at the time.
  • Were the captives from the ice planet rescued?
Answer: No. Commentary indicates that the room where the captives were being held was within the Guardian Basestar.
  • Why did the Centurions withdraw from the First War?
Answer: Saul Tigh, Ellen Tigh, Samuel Anders, Tory Foster, and Galen Tyrol made a deal with them, helping them create humanoid Cylons with resurrection capacity in exchange for an end to the war.

He That Believeth In Me

  • Does Charlie Connor survive the massive beating he experiences at the hands of Paulla Schaffer?
Answer: Yes. He is later seen among the participants in Gaeta's Mutiny.
  • Is Kara Thrace the final Cylon?
Answer: No. The final Cylon is Ellen Tigh. Thrace's resurrection is apparently supernatural.
  • Where did Thrace get her pristine Viper?
Answer: By the same mysterious means that she acquired a new identical body, uniform, and dogtags.
  • Are Thrace's claims about being to Earth true?
Answer: Yes. Her Viper was transported there by the maelstrom and then crashlanded, killing her.
  • Why have the Significant Seven Cylons been programmed to not think of the Final Five?
Answer: The Cavils don't wish the Leobens, D'Annas, Simons, Dorals, Sixes, and Sharons to know and contact the Final Five, as this would threaten the Cavils' genocidal manipulations of their society. The Cavils only pretend to have the same programming as the others, not letting on that they created the taboo in the first place.
  • Can the Significant Seven identify the Final Five once they are able to bypass this imperative?
Answer: None of the affected models have shown an ability to recover their memories of the Five's faces. However, once they are informed of the Five's identities, they are capable of understanding, retaining, and acting upon this information.

Six of One

  • Is the Virtual Baltar that Gaius Baltar sees the same as Caprica-Six's Virtual Baltar?
Answer: Most likely yes. The virtual Six and virtual Baltar are two distinct entities who are in contact with each other and can appear to more than one person.
  • Now that the telencephalic inhibitors have been removed from the Centurions, and they've attacked three of the Significant Seven, will they turn on the rest of their Cylon masters?
Answer: One of them will attack an Eight in response to the distress of a Hybrid she is attempting to disconnect, but this is a singular incident. The rebel Cylons will choose to give the Centurions their Basestar after the discovery of a new Earth. The Centurions and humanoid Cylons go their separate ways, with no reason to hold a grudge.
  • Will Kara Thrace truly lead the Demetrius to Earth?
Answer: No, but she will lead them to the rebel Basestar. The Basestar's Hybrid provides them with another clue towards Earth.
  • Other than Karl Agathon, who else will be accompanying Thrace on Demetrius?
Answer: Samuel Anders, Jean Barolay, Erin Matthias, Diana Seelix, Brendan Constanza, Felix Gaeta, Sharon Agathon, and Eammon Pike.
  • What will occur when Number One, as well as the two Fours and Fives, resurrect?
Answer: He will meet with the rebels to see what can be done about their disagreement. As they insist on unboxing the D'Annas and uniting with the Five, he will deceive them and lure them into a trap, which annihilates two of their three Basestars and leaves the surviving one heavily damaged.
  • Do the Ones truly believe that the Final Five are not with the human fleet, as Cavil claims?
Answer: The Cavils are well aware that Saul Tigh, Samuel Anders, Tory Foster, and Galen Tyrol are four of the Five and that they are with the human fleet.
  • Which of the remaining Cylon model numbers belong to which members of the Final Five?
Answer: The Final Five do not possess model numbers. They were each of them born to a Cylon mother and a Cylon father, rather than being developed in sequence.
  • Why does the Cylon fleet have Ones, Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, Sixes and Eights, but no Sevens?
Answer: The missing Number Seven was a Cylon whose entire line was killed, by Cavil, decades before the Cylon Attack.
  • Did the awakened four gain any new knowledge?
Answer: No. They are aware that they are Cylons, and they have always been Cylons rather than being replacements, but have no knowledge of their place in the universe.
  • How many Centurions had their telencephalic inhibitors removed? Was it done only to the Centurions on this particular basestar? Or did it happen on a wider scale?
Answer: Only the Centurions with the rebel Cylons are now free. The other Cylons retain enslaved Centurions.
  • Why does the generally skeptical Cavil advocate blind obedience to the intentions of the mysterious "original programmers" and passonately oppose the search for the Final Five?
Answer: Because the programming against thinking about the Final Five actually comes from the Cavils themselves. Ironically, the Five are the actual original programmers and the Cavils have done everything possible to subvert their intentions.
  • Did Boomer only side with the Ones, Fours and Fives due to her relationship with Cavil, or was there some other motivation.
Answer: Boomer shares Cavil's bitterness about humanity and, like him, blames the Final Five for making her "human".

The Ties That Bind

  • Are all of the "renegade" Cylon baseships destroyed?
Answer: Two are destroyed, one survives with heavy damage.
  • Does Natalie escape?
Answer: Yes, her Basestar is the surviving one.
  • Now that power has shifted to the more aggressive models, will the Cylon renew their attacks on the humans, or will the stress and distraction of the Cylon civil war protect the human fleet for the time being?
Answer: The Cylons make no more direct attacks on the human fleet. When seen in "The Hub", Cavil and Boomer's main concern is with resolving the civil war.
  • Will Cally's death be declared as another execution that went unnoticed, such as those performed by the Circle?
Answer: Cally's death will be ruled a suicide, though Tyrol find it difficult to comprehend.
  • Will Boomer abandon Cavil's side now that he has resorted to lethal measures against Natalie's faction?
Answer: No. Boomer does not change sides again until the Battle of The Colony.
  • How will Tyrol handle being a single parent?
Answer: Tyrol struggles greatly with his personal issues but does continues to be a father to Nicky. After it is discovered that Brendan Constanza is the biological father, Constanza begins taking on fatherly duties, but Tyrol intends to continue parenting Nicky as well. This is derailed by his later disillusionment with people in general, which prompts him to live alone on the new Earth.
  • Are Foster's actions indicating a gradual shifting of her allegiance from the humans to the Cylons?
Answer: Yes. She is the only member of the "Final Four" to willingly and immediately join the rebel Cylons on their Baseship after D'Anna is unboxed. She then takes part in the standoff between the Cylons and humans. She later advocates leaving their human allies behind.
  • What will Tyrol do should he discover that it was Foster who ejected Cally into space?
Answer: Tyrol kills Foster on the spot.
  • Has Hera been left in foster care by her parents? If so, who have they found to look after her?
Possible Answers: There is a daycare center aboard Galactica, and Anastasia Dualla is seen babysitting Hera while her parents are on duty in "Sometimes a Great Notion". Dualla states in that episode that she has done so before.
  • What is Foster's true motivation for killing Cally Tyrol?
Answer: Speaking with Chicago Tribune, episode writer Mark Verheiden states that Foster was concerned Cally would expose her and the other Cylons, and possibly was jealous of Cally's relationship with Chief Tyrol[1].

Escape Velocity

  • Will Lee Adama grow more sympathetic towards Baltar's group?
Answer: He will trust Baltar enough to arm his group against troublemakers in Dogsville, but not enough to allow them representation in the government.
  • Will Roslin learn that Foster is associating with Baltar?

Answer: Yes.

  • Will Foster clash with Tigh and Tyrol, as their different attitudes towards their Cylon nature develop?
Answer: Tigh and Foster take opposite sides during the standoff between D'Anna's Cylons and the fleet, and again during the debate of whether or not the Cylons and humans should go their separate ways. Tyrol sides with Foster in this later argument, having grown emotionally disconnected from humanity.
  • Do Tigh and Six frak?
Answer: Yes, and this becomes an ongoing relationship.
  • Are Tyrol's statements about Cally's negative attributes heartfelt, or merely a result of rage and anger?
Answer: The latter.
  • Will Baltar's religion end up helping the people of the Fleet, or will it lead them into a dangerous state which compromises them, as Laura Roslin appears to fear?
Answer: Baltar's religion grows ever more popular within the fleet, but does not lead to any further serious incidents. In fact, the cultists will be charged with keeping the peace in Dogsville after Gaeta's Mutiny results in a shortage of marines.
