
Discussion page of Revelations/Archive2

A "Lt. Gonzo Pike" is also listed on the casting sheet for "The Ties That Bind" for what it's worth. --Serenity 06:01, 18 November 2007 (CST)

The convention report attributes the forest scenes to episode 11. Since other reports state that they have shut down after episode 13, this like means that they are the same by episode numbers. "Revelations" is episode 10 however! --Serenity 01:57, 20 November 2007 (CST)

Here's the thing though... is Katee counting "Razor" as one episode? If so, then that makes "Revelations" episode 11, by her count. Also, about 4.13... it seems that there are only 10 episodes "in the can", as far as I can determine. Also, production numbers can be taken out of order; it's happened before to series such as Babylon 5 and even the original BSG. So, 4.13... Is that episode 11, or is that part of episode 10, which may be extended? Plus we have two missing episodes that are unaccounted for, 4.07 and 4.09.
To be honest, it's a bit confusing. LOL -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Sanctuary Wiki — New 09:55, 21 November 2007 (CST)
Right. Counting "Razor" as one episode makes this correct again. That's probably the case. --Serenity 11:36, 21 November 2007 (CST)