List of Deleted Scenes (Caprica)

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Revision as of 03:33, 13 September 2020 by Joe Beaudoin Jr. (talk | contribs) (+ expansion tag, initial work)

These deleted scenes from Caprica are from the Region 2 Blu-ray set, but are not fully mastered as these were likely pulled from raw cuts.

Caprica pilot

Scene 4-5: Zoe's Reprimand by Sister Willow

Zoe Graystone about to kiss Sister Clarice Willow's ring (CAP: "Pilot").

Following Prefect Caston's discovery of Zoe Graystone's forbidden use of a holoband in the restroom, Graystone is brought before Sister Clarice Willow. In her closed office, Willow admonishes Graystone for having second thoughts and "acting out, looking for ways to get caught."

Graystone protests that she isn't, but Willow assures her that it's all right for her to have second thoughts, as it is "perfectly natural, especially in someone so young" and that she "need not be ashamed of your fear." Willow notes that Graystone is at a crossroads, and can only go either backwards or forwards.

Graystone reaffirms her decision to go forward, noting that she hasn't been so certain of anything in her life. Willow then notes that she'll send a formal letter of misconduct to the Graystones, but wishes her good luck. Graystone kisses Willow's ring, and is dismissed from the office.

Outside the office, Lacy Rand meets Graystone and they discuss their next steps; Graystone reiterates Willow's statements about having second thoughts and not being ashamed of the fear they bring. Rand reaffirms her desire to go through with their plan.

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