Propulsion in the Re-imagined Series

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For information on the Original Series' modes of propulsion, see Propulsion (TOS).
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In the Re-imagined Series, propulsion is managed from the fuel tylium. You can travel at sublight speeds, or, if you're trying to escape (or chase) your enemies, the characters will travel by apparent faster-than-light (or "FTL") travel.

FTL jump

Faster than Light Travel

FTL is a acronym for Faster-Than-Light. The term, a misnomer, refers to a means of astral propulsion utilized by the Cylons and the Colonials. A common shorthand term for FTL travel is "jumping".

The FTL drive makes interstellar travel possible for both the Colonials and Cylons. No longer confined to their own home solar system, the Cylons managed to avoid Colonial interference for 40 years after the Cylon War and establish their own home-world. However, not all ships -- from small to large -- are outfitted with these drives (Miniseries).

It's likely that FTL drives are not commonplace on many civilian ships because of the costs involved in using and maintaining the drive and the amount of fuel available. For some civilian ships that travel comparatively short distances between some destinations, such as the ill-fated Botanical Cruiser, FTL may simply be impractical or unnecessary.

The technology behind FTL systems is such that, providing the relevant data is known, ships can jump with a high degree of accuracy, allowing ships to rendezvous in space and even "park" in a synchronous orbit directly above a given point on a planet's surface (Miniseries). Proper FTL use even enables vessels to arrive in crowded areas, such as the middle of an asteroid field or other ships, without the risk of collision and damage (The Hand of God).

No specific information on the technology of an FTL drive has been given in the Miniseries or regular series. We know only that Galactica has two FTL drives[1], and that other smaller or civilian ships have a single drive. We also know from dialogue that the FTL drives on Galactica are "spun up", suggesting a use of electromagnetic or centripetal energies that may serve in creating the fields or forces needed to activate the engines.

FTL jump drives can be used within an atmosphere. These are known as intra-atmospheric jumps. This Colonial tactic is used often to evade Cylon detection. While Raptors primarily perform these kind of jumps, Admiral William Adama performs a daring intra-atmosphere jump at approximately 100,000 feet altitude with battlestar Galactica during the Battle of New Caprica to evade immediate Cylon detection. The battlestar jumps back to space a few hundred feet above the planet's surface after its Viper deployment. When Galactica jumps, the clouds surrounding it and the re-entry fires consuming its hull are "sucked" into the FTL jump with it. A sonic boom is also heard afterward (Exodus, Part II).

Colonial Limitations

  • Colonial FTL systems are not small-scale, and cannot be installed into vehicles such as the Viper. They can, however, be used on vehicles the size of a Raptor, which is limited to brief, short-distance jumps. Raptors can make a sequence of short FTL "hops" in a row, to reach the same destination as a capital ship with a full-sized FTL drive (Miniseries).
  • Colonial FTL systems cannot be used multiple times over a long period of time, for they are prone to breakdown after excessive, repetitive use (33).
  • FTL jumps can apparently induce nausea or discomfort in some people, such as Cally (Miniseries, Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I).
  • When "jumping" the Colonial drive systems are limited in size; this defines the maximum size to which a colonial vessel can be built (hence the need for battlestars to retract their landing pods and reduce their overall cross-section prior to a jump (Miniseries, 33, etc.).
  • Colonial FTL systems appear to be a holdover from the Exodus from Kobol, and their current designs have been developed to meet the needs of jumping between the Twelve Colonies, and their outposts in other star systems. Colonial FTL capabilities have defined limits, referred to as the Red Line, beyond which jumps may not be possible / could result in damage to a vessel's drive system / lead to navigational inaccuracies that might put the ship at risk.
  • Navigators must be careful to plan FTL jump paths in order to keep a safe distance from planets or other large objects (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I).

Knowing the limitations of their own FTL drives, a team apparently led by Lieutenant Felix Gaeta successfully refitted a Raptor with the navigational computer from a captured Heavy Raider (presumably the one used by Kara Thrace to return from Caprica in "Home, Part I"). They later use its improved jump plots (with the aid of the cooperative copy of Sharon Valerii) to coordinate a squadron of Raptors to fly back to Caprica for a rescue mission to retrieve a team of resistance fighters there (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I). Despite the accuracy of the advanced Cylon FTL technology and Valerii's aid in marking the jumps, two Raptors do not complete the mission. One obtains corrupted jump data and finds itself within a nebula and a undiscovered habitable planet, and is forced to return to the Fleet. The second Raptor also gets corrupted coordinates and materializes inside a nearby mountain on the final intra-atmosphere jump to Caprica, with the loss of ship and crew.

Cylon Advantages in FTL

Given that the Cylons left Colonial space to find their own planet, it is possible that their longer-range FTL capability was created in response to a desire to be able to cover the distance between their homeworld and those of the Twelve Colonies with a single jump.

Sublight propulsion

In the Re-imagined Series, all ships have some manner of sublight flight ability. Sublight propulsion is convenient for intra-solar system travel (such as to or from the planets that comprise the Twelve Colonies), but cannot be used for travel outside of a solar system as the time to arrive at a destination may exceed the fuel supply of the ship or the lifetime of the crew that fly the ship.

Spacecraft with sublight flight ability are typically small military vehicles or civilian ships, such the Viper fighter craft or the Botanical Cruiser (Miniseries).


  1. Dialogue from Colonel Tigh to Lt. Gaeta instructs the tactical officer to "spin up FTL drives 1 and 2" in the Miniseries.