Talk:Colonial Fleet (TRS)/Archive 1

Discussion page of Colonial Fleet (TRS)/Archive 1

Battlestar/Ship Loss Count

Matt72986 made an interesting, though I think incorrect catch regarding what we think Starbuck has said in the Mini-Series about the Adama's information on the loss of 30 battlestars in the opening hours of the Cylon attack. She says, "That's a quarter of the fleet." From here we've collectively presumed that she spoke only of 30 out of 120 battlestars.

While Matt could be right as there may be other ships, there is one assumption that RDM has not appeared to change from the TOS to the RDM continuity. While there are certainly other kinds of Colonial military vessels, likely designed to carry or deploy troops, or supply other ships, the battlestar is THE battleship/carrier/capital warship of the Fleet. All other ships are deployed to service it, not the reverse (unless an older battlestar supports a more advanced one).

The only other Colonial fleet ships noted in RDM are:

  • Variations of the Space Park (although the one in the ragtag fleet is not military)
  • Unidentified ships in the Scorpion Fleet Shipyards that were destroyed along with 3 other battlestars

I'd be happy to return Matt's change if there is a significant reason to think that the battlestar is not the primary and most abundant fighting warship in the fleet. Kara was shocked when she heard the news--an armada of battlestars--let alone one, like Galactica--is a mighty deterrent, or so they thought. Comments? Are we misinterpreting Kara's statement? --Spencerian 23:27, 13 December 2005 (EST)

There are other ships, but they're really just support vessels. I really think this was the writers inserting into dialogue a way of saying that "there were 120 Battlestars in the fleet" without staring right into the camera and saying "audience; there were 120 Battlestars (including Galactica)"; they just wanted to make it feel more organic and say "wow 30 battlestars were lost before we even knew what hit us" "really? ONE FOURTH of our Fleet?". In context (and "context matters"), I really think they meant this as 120 Battlestars. Does anyone have access to the DVD commentary for the Miniseries?--Ricimer 23:39, 13 December 2005 (EST)
I agree. Adama states that there were specifically 30 battlestars lost which qualifies Thrace's response. --Peter Farago 04:09, 14 December 2005 (EST)