
From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide
Revision as of 11:09, 16 January 2008 by Serenity (talk | contribs)
Race: Colonial
Type: Civilian
FTL: Yes
CO: {{{co}}}
XO: {{{xo}}}
Role: Mining ship
Weapons: {{{weapons}}}
Armaments: {{{arm}}}
Defenses: {{{def}}}
Aircraft: {{{aircraft}}}
Aviation facilities: {{{facilities}}}
Fate: {{{status}}}
Emblem: [[Image:{{{patch}}}|175px|Ship's patch]]
Other Images: Gallery
Length: 2600 feet
Width: 650 feet
Height: 220 feet [1]
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Wingspan: {{{wingspan}}}
Other: {{{otherdi}}}
Game Information
Cost: {{{construction}}}
Construction Time: {{{construction}}}
Hull Size: {{{hull size}}}
Hull: {{{hull}}}
FTL Cooldown: {{{ftl cooldown}}} turns
Speed: {{{speed}}} m/s
Turn Rate: {{{turn rate}}}°/turn
Armor Sum
Armor Total: {{{armor total}}}
Armor Left: {{{armor left}}}
Armor Right: {{{armor right}}}
Armor Front: {{{armor front}}}
Armor Rear: {{{armor rear}}}
Armor Top: {{{armor top}}}
Armor Bottom: {{{armor bottom}}}
DRADIS Range: {{{dradis range}}} m
Processing Power: {{{processing power}}}
Munition Slots: {{{munitions}}}
Munition Cooldown Period: {{{munition cooldown}}} turns
Squadron Slots: {{{squadrons}}}
Squadron Size: {{{squadron size}}}
Special Abilities: {{{special abilities}}}
Additional Information

The Monarch is one of the few mining ships still remaining after the Cylon attack. The Monarch joins up with the caravan of stranded ships and shares the protection of Galactica.

Later, the Monarch is one of 24 ships that comprised the factioned group that follows President Roslin to Kobol in search of the path to Earth (The Farm).

After the exodus from New Caprica, Circle member Jean Barolay states that the Monarch is the location of a convicted collaborator and that one of the group's contacts on the ship can carry out the death sentence (Collaborators).


  1. Overview and dimensions courtesy of