Battlestar Wiki:Quotes

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Revision as of 08:31, 23 January 2006 by Undc23 (talk | contribs) (→‎January: removed rather odd duplicate 25th that came after 31st)

This is a list of quotes used on the "Quote of the Day" portion of the Main Page. Right now, they are selected by date. Please try to adhere to these standards.


"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last battlestar, Galactica, leads a rag tag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest: a shining planet known as Earth."
--Commander Adama (TOS: End of episode narration)

The Cylons were created by man.

They rebelled.
They evolved.
They look and feel human.
Some are programmed to think they are human.
There are many copies.
And they have a plan.

--Opening to Season One of the Re-imagined Series

Number Six: Look at me, look at me Gaius! Do you want me to believe you're worth saving? Do you? Do you? Say it!

Gaius Baltar: I want you to believe in me! Don't stop! Don't stop! Please, please don't stop! You have to believe in me, you're all I have left!
Six: Now tell me, you believe in me. Tell me you believe in my strength!
Baltar: I believe in you! I believe in you! I love you. I love you with all my heart... I love you with all my heart...

--A Measure of Salvation

Captain Cole Taylor: This is a photo recon mission. We are interested in o­ne Cylon ship in particular which is larger than anything we've encountered before. Analysis to date suggests they will be in this star system next. We will hide behind this moon which has an abnormally large magneto tail and will mask our DRADIS signatures. We'll power down, hide near the surface, wait for the fleet to pass by. Starbuck? You have something to add?

Lt. Kara Thrace: Your plan sucks. And the Cylons aren't stupid. That moon's a blind spot. They'll never go near it. You really want to get close? You've got to use the stealth ship we constructed aboard Galactica.

-- Pegasus

Commander William Adama: Admiral Cain is my superior officer. She will take complete command of the entire Fleet.

Admiral Helena Cain: I was wondering how to broach that topic. Trust me when I say that while the chain of command is strict it is not heartless, and neither am I. This is your ship, and I have no desire to interfere with Galactica's internal affairs.
Adama: I appreciate it, Admiral.
Cain: Madam President, you look like I just shot your dog.
President Laura Roslin: No, it's just-- It's just the Commander and I, we've been through a lot.

-- Pegasus

Admiral Helena Cain: Commander… why are you launching Vipers?

Commander William Adama: Please arrange for Chief Tyrol and Lieutenant Agathon to be handed over to my Marines as soon as they arrive.
Cain (coldly): I don't take orders from you!
Adama: Call it whatever you like. I'm getting my men.
Cain: You are making such a mistake.
Adama: I'm getting my men!


"Starbuck to all Vipers: do not fire... repeat, do not fire! I am a friendly, okay? We're all friendlies. So, let's just... be friendly."
-- Lt. Kara Thrace (Resurrection Ship, Part I)

President Laura Roslin: The spirit of the law requires something more here than summary executions.

Admiral Helena Cain: Is this what the two of you have been doing for the past six months? Debating the finer points of Colonial law? Well, guess what, we're at war! And we don't have the luxury of academic debate over these issues.

--Resurrection Ship, Part I

"Ahh, another of Starbuck's crazy ass stunts... thank the Gods!"
--Colonel Saul Tigh (Resurrection Ship, Part I)

"Good news! You're not dead... yet."
--Lt. Lee Adama (Resurrection Ship, Part I)

"Everyone wants to be their own doctor."
--Doctor Cottle (Six Degrees of Separation)

"I want a definitive answer, no more of your weaselly technobabble."
--Colonel Saul Tigh (Resistance)

Colonel Saul Tigh: Is he going to make it?

Doctor Cottle: How should I know? I'm not a psychic. Now get the hell out of here.


Admiral Helena Cain: Frak you.

Gina: You're not my type.

--Resurrection Ship, Part II

"I, um, only knew Admiral Cain for a short time, so what I have to say about her will be short. She faced things. She looked them right in the eye and she didn't flinch. That's something that we do a lot around here. We second-guess. We worry. When I think about what she went through after the attack: all alone, one ship, no help, no hope--she didn't give up. She didn't worry. She didn't second-guess. She acted. She did what she thought needed to be done, and the Pegasus survived. Might be hard to admit, or hard to hear, but I think that we were safer with her... than we are without."
--Captain Kara Thrace (Resurrection Ship, Part II)

Commander William Adama: I've asked you here to find out why the Cylons hate us so much.

Sharon Valerii: I'm not sure I know how to answer that. I mean, hate might not be the right word.
Adama: I don't want to fence with you. I just want to know why.
Valerii: It's what you said at the ceremony before the attack when Galactica was being decommissioned. You gave a speech that sounded like it wasn't the one you prepared. You said that humanity was a flawed creation. And that people still kill one another for petty jealousy and greed. You said that humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive. Maybe you don't.

--Resurrection Ship, Part II

"Let me tell you something. I've had to watch a lot of kids be put into body bags. They're covered with flags and they float out that airlock. You think I don't understand his feelings towards his men? Sometimes terrible things have to be done. Inevitably, each and every one of us will have to face a moment where we have to commit that horrible sin. And if we flinch in that moment, if we hesitate for one second, if we let our conscience get in the way, you know what happens? There are more kids in those body bags. More kids floating out that airlock. I don't know why... but I have a lot of faith in you. And I want you to promise me that when that moment comes you won't flinch. Do not flinch."
--Admiral Helena Cain (Resurrection Ship, Part II)

Captain Kara Thrace: ...Let's just be glad that we both came back alive, alright?

Lt. Lee Adama: That's just it Kara... I didn't wanna make it back alive.

--Resurrection Ship, Part II

"It's interesting. Betrayal has such a powerful grip on the mind. It's almost like a python. It can squeeze out all other thought. Suffocate all other emotion until everything is dead except for the rage. I'm not talking about anger. I'm talking about rage. I can feel it. Right here. Like it's gonna burst. Feel like I wanna scream. Right now, matter of fact."
--Commander William Adama (Home, Part I)

Lt. Kara Thrace: Apollo, you magnificent bastard, that was o­ne hell of a piece of flying and I couldn't have done it better myself.

Captain Lee Adama: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
Thrace: I said that I couldn't have done it better myself.
Adama: Well, thank you.
Thrace: Hmm. I had my doubts.
Adama: So did I.
Thrace: Mmm.
Adama: I wasn't sure that crazy-ass plan of yours could even possibly work.
Thrace: You deserve this. (hands Adama a cigar)

--The Hand of God

President Adar: What was that?

Commander Adama: That was my son, Mister President.

--Saga of a Star World

"One of the most interesting things about being President is that you don't have to explain yourself. To anyone."
--President Richard Adar (Epiphanies)

"I was a teacher long before I was Secretary of Education, and causes are only lost when we give up."
--Secretary of Education Laura Roslin (Epiphanies)

Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii: This isn't happening.

A Number Eight copy: You're confused and scared... but it's okay.
Valerii: I'm not a Cylon. I'm Sharon Valerii. I was born on Troy. My parents were Catherine and Abraham Valerii.
Eights (each speaking in turns): You can't fight destiny, Sharon.
It catches up with you...
no matter what you do.
Don't worry about us.
We'll see you again.
We love you, Sharon.
And we always will.

--Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II

President Baltar, I offer my sincere congratulations... I say that knowing we've had our differences and that you take office despite my many reservations. You may be the most brilliant person I've ever met, but your intelligence is unleavened by compassion. You must be reminded of your ethical responsibilities and challenged to rise above your own selfish needs. I don't write this to hurt you, but to beg you to open your heart. Understand that the people in the fleet look to you not just for leadership, but for solace... justice. Find a way to give them that, and you will be a great leader.
--Letter to Vice President Gaius Baltar from President Laura Roslin, to be opened upon her expected death (Epiphanies)

Doctor Cottle: I don't like what you're doing. I think it's unnatural and damned dangerous.

Doctor Gaius Baltar: Yes, well, given the patient's current condition, I am not sure that I see the downside.
Cottle: Maybe it's just her time.
Baltar: Then for once...perhaps I am the beacon of hope around here.


"This is Admiral Adama. As you know, President Roslin has been aboard Galactica for the last few days. She's a fighter. But as of this moment, her prognosis is grave. I know that many of you believe in the power of prayer. If that is your way, then I urge you to pray for our President. As for the others, I hope you will join me in keeping her in our thoughts."
--Admiral William Adama (Epiphanies)

Sharon Valerii (crying): I don't understand, why are they doing this now?

Lt. Karl Agathon: I don't know. The Admiral said they found something in the baby's blood. Somehow, President Roslin considers it a threat to the fleet.
Valerii: It can't just be that. I've done nothing but help them since I've come here. I've held back my anger. I've tried to show them that Cylons are not all the same. That we're not all murderers.
Agathon: Deep down, I think they're still afraid of you.
Valerii: Yeah...afraid. They wanna be afraid of something? Yeah? Just let them come! Let 'em! Let them try to take my baby! Ahhh! Just let them try to take my baby!


"You're not gonna shoot."
--Phelan, before he is shot (Black Market)

"It's hard to find the moral high ground when we're all standing in the mud."
--Phelan (Black Market)

Lee Adama: But I thought… I thought that no o­ne had seen or heard from the Cylons in over 40 years.

Admiral Adama: That's true. Partially. The admiralty had grown restless with the Adar administration. They thought we were resting o­n our laurels, unprepared to protect against an attack. My mission was to escort a stealth recon ship just beyond the armistice line, stick our nose over, gather evidence, see if there was any suspicious activities.
Lee Adama: And if the Cylons discovered you across the line breaching the armistice, then, uh... they would see that as...
Admiral Adama: An act of war.



President Laura Roslin: Colonel, once we find the fleet, I'd like to have a word with you.

Colonel Saul Tigh: There's nothing to talk about. You went up against the old man and you lost.


President Laura Roslin: Doctor, I need your help. But it's illegal, dangerous, and in violation of your oath as an officer.

Doctor Cottle: You’re a lousy salesman.


"Stupid frakking thing couldn't come with a handbook? No, because that would just be too logical, wouldn't it?"
--Lieutenant Kara Thrace (Home, Part II)

"You know, Madame President, I've never been particularly interested in politics. I never wanted any lofty position of power. I never wanted to be the Vice President. That is, until this very moment. Because right now, I can't think of anything I want more."
--Vice President Gaius Baltar (Black Market)

Kara Thrace raises a toast to all of the pilots that have died since the war began:

Captain Kara Thrace: To BB, Jo-Jo, Reilly, Beano, Dipper, Flat Top, Chuckles, Jolly, Crashdown, Sheppard, Dash, Flyboy, Stepchild, Puppet, Fireball...(stops, crying)
Captain Lee Adama: To all of 'em.
Admiral William Adama: So say we all.
Pilots: So say we all!
Thrace: So say we all.


Captain Kara Thrace: You know the President says that we're saving humanity for a bright, shiny future. On Earth. That you and I are never gonna see. We're not. Because we go out over and over again until someday, some metal motherfrakker is gonna catch us on a bad day and just blow us away.

Captain Lee Adama: Bright, shiny futures are overrated anyway.
Thrace: That is why we gotta get what we can. Right now.


Commander William Adama: You’ve lost your way, Sergeant. You’ve lost sight of the purpose of the law: to protect its citizens, not persecute them. Whatever we are, whatever’s left of us – we’re better than that. Now these proceedings are closed. You’ll be transported back to your ships and we appreciate your help.

Board Chair: This is an independent board. You have no power to close our inquiries.
Adama: This is a witch-hunt. I will not have it aboard my ship.


Colonel Saul Tigh: Why aren't you in the brig?

Billy Keikeya: Um... because no one put me in there?


Captain Lee Adama: You know what gets me? I know that in two weeks, I won't remember his face. I can't remember any of their faces after they're killed. No matter how hard I try, they just fade.

Captain Kara Thrace: I don't even remember their names.
Adama: Names. Oh, let's see, there was- there was Flat Top. (Thrace spits some of her drink on him) Who bought it on his thousandth landing. There was Chuckles. (Thrace spits out some more drink) Stop it, already. Please, not funny. All right. It's not funny.
Thrace: It is funny.


"Did it ever occur to you that the admiralty may have set you up to provoke a war they wanted? It's naïve to think that horrible things that we can't understand have simple explanations. Because simple explanations make us feel like we have control when we don't. We know why the Cylons attacked us and it wasn't any o­ne thing. Oh my Gods. We did a thousand things, good and bad, every day for 40 years, to pave the way for those attacks." --Laura Roslin, to William Adama after he attempts to resign (Hero)

"To marriage. Why we build bars."
-- Galen Tyrol (Taking a Break From All Your Worries)

"I'm talking about right and wrong. I'm talking about losing a piece of our souls. No o­ne wants to hear that, right? Let's keep it o­n me. Yeah, I'm married to a Cylon. Who walked through hell for all of us how many times? And she's not half anything, okay. How do we know there aren't others like her? She made a choice. She's a person. They're a race of people. Wiping them out with a biological weapon is a crime against -- is a crime against humanity." --Helo, after the Fleet's leadership decides to attempt genocide of the Cylons (A Measure of Salvation)

Tom Zarek: This is Tom Zarek, President of the Twelve Colonies. It's over, Laura. Saul Tigh was killed attempting to escape. Bill Adama was tried and found guilty of his crimes. A firing squad executed him this morning. It's done, Laura. You need to think about the people of this fleet and surrender.

Laura Roslin: No... Not now... Not ever! Do you hear me?!I will use every cannon... every bomb... every bullet, every weapon I have down to my own eye teeth to end you! I SWEAR IT! I'M COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!

--"Blood on the Scales"

Lt. Karl Agathon: Truth is, if something happened to you I wouldn't know how to deal with it.

Sharon Valerii: I feel the same way.
Agathon: Back on the ship, I, uh... look, I knew what was going on. I mean, between you and the Chief.
Valerii: I think everybody did.
Agathon: And I respected it, your feelings, his, but... I would have given anything to be him. Hey, I'm not trying to put you on the spot, here. I don't wanna step into what you two have. You feel the way you feel and I have to respect that... (She kisses him.)

--Six Degrees of Separation

The Cylon representatives, aboard Galactica:

Number Three: The weapons are hardly necessary.
Cavil (sarcastically, clasping his hands): Yes. Exactly. We come in peace.

--The Eye of Jupiter

Commander William Adama: Congratulations to both of you. You carried out a very difficult and dangerous mission, and you did it...despite any...personal misgivings you may or may not have had...and for that I'm very proud. Thank you.

Lt. Margaret Edmondson: Thank you, sir.
Lt. Sharon Valerii: Thank you, sir. (pulls out a gun and shoots Adama in the chest)

--Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II

"We don't strike deals with terrorists. We can't. We give them Sharon Valerii, we're inviting terrorism and we weaken our position permanently, you know that. Gentlemen, everyone in that room is someone's son, someone's wife, someone's mother. Billy is the closest thing that I have to family left in this world. And if you don't think that that... confuses things emotionally for me- let's not be naive."
--President Laura Roslin (Sacrifice)

President Laura Roslin: Is this what you gave 'em?

Admiral William Adama: It was a calculated risk.
Roslin: It wasn't worth it.


Commander Barry Garner: I need to go down there. You have the conn.

Major Lee Adama: Yes, sir... (Pegasus crew looks at Adama in disbelief) I have the conn.

--The Captain's Hand

Sharon Agathon: So you sure you want to go in the second seat again? I mean, I hear you're a pretty fair pilot now.

Margaret Edmondson: Well, too many pilots, not enough birds. Anything to keep me flying, at this point. You want me, I'm yours, Boomer.
Sharon Agathon: Uh, no... Boomer was… She was someone else.
Helo: (speaks to other pilots in the rec room) Listen up. We need a new call sign for Lieutenant Agathon.
Various pilot voices: Chrome Dome! Titania! Lightbulb! Wind-up Toy! Raptor Adapter! Microchip! Digital Dame! Mayflower! Carburetor! Tin Can! Toaster Babe! Transistor! Robopilot!
Hot Dog: How about "Athena"?
Helo: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What was that?
Hotdog: You know, the Goddess of Wisdom and War. Usually accompanied by the Goddess of Victory?
(Silence. The Agathons smile.)
Another pilot, quietly: She likes it.
Helo: Athena it is!


"Frak the odds! We're going to find her!"
-- William Adama (You Can't Go Home Again)

Captain Kara Thrace: Welcome aboard, Major.

Major Lee Adama: I didn't expect a welcoming committee.

Thrace: Don't flatter yourself. I was in the neighborhood.

--The Captain's Hand

Commander Barry Garner: I have a problem. That problem's name is Kara Thrace.

Major Lee Adama: I-I know to handle her, sir. And for the record, she is one hell of a Viper pilot.

Garner: What? I should cut her some slack because she's good in the cockpit. Is that what you're saying? Because nobody ever cut us any slack in the engine room. I could tell you that right now. But then, uh, I don't know, maybe being a snipe is different than being a Viper jockey. No flashy stunts for us. No flying by the seat of our pants down there! The engine room is like a finely tuned watch, and everything in it needs to be monitored and maintained in a very precise fashion. Nobody freelances. Everything is done in the proper way, at the proper time, in the proper order! Or there'd be no power. No lights. No hot showers for your flyboys. You know, Major, I think some of the people around here could learn a thing or two from the snipes.

--The Captain's Hand

"Since assuming the presidency, I've made it my mission to maintain the rights and freedoms we so enjoyed prior to the attack. One of these rights has now come into direct conflict with the survival of the species. And I find myself forced to make a very difficult decision. The issue is stark. The fact is that if the civilization is to survive, we must, must repopulate this fleet. Therefore, I'm issuing an executive order. From this day forward, anyone seeking to interfere with a birth of child, whether it be the mother...or a medical practitioner, shall be subject to criminal penalty. Thank you."
--President Laura Roslin's address to the Fleet on the issue of abortion (The Captain's Hand)

President Laura Roslin: If you're a Cylon, I'd like to know.

Commander William Adama: If I'm a Cylon, you're really screwed.

--Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

[ Chief Tyrol finds Gaius Baltar standing alone in the Temple of Five ]

Tyrol: Welcome home, Mr. President. (Pistol-whips Baltar, knocking him unconscious)


Caprica-Six: This house was on a bluff over a lake. I always loved the view. Sunlight on the water. It's my favorite spot in the universe.

Virtual Baltar : Yeah, it's magical. Too bad you nuked it.
Caprica-Six: After I downloaded, I went back to the ruins of his house.
Sharon Valerii: Why?
Caprica-Six: Like you, I was looking for some sort of connection to him. Found a few of his things. Even held onto them for awhile. But I realized they were keeping me from truly embracing my new life.
Valerii: So what'd you do with them?
Caprica-Six: I burned them. But I felt liberated.
Virtual Baltar: Yeah, it's a beautiful story, isn't it? Shame it's all a pack of lies.


Colonel Saul Tigh: I can't believe you sided with that woman against the old man. I wouldn't do that if you put a gun to my head...and you did! As far as I'm concerned, you're not fit to wear a uniform.

Captain Lee Adama: Huh. You're right about that part. I am not fit to wear the uniform...and maybe I never was. Then again, neither are you. But this isn't my ship, and it sure as hell isn't yours. It's his, and when he wakes up, he'll decide what to do with the both of us. (Lee leaves)
Tigh: Thank the Gods I didn't have kids.

--Valley of Darkness


Commander William Adama: Every man has to decide for themselves which side they are on.

Captain Lee Adama: I didn't know we were picking sides. (walks off)
Commander Adama: That's why you haven't picked one yet.

--Bastille Day


"The Cylon War is long over. Yet we must not forget the reasons why so many sacrificed so much in the cause of freedom. The cost of wearing the uniform can be high, but... Sometimes it's too high. You know, when we fought the Cylons, we did it to save ourselves from extinction, but we never answered the question "Why?". Why are we as a people worth saving? We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy. And we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything that we've done, like we did with the Cylons. We decided to play God, create life. When that life turned against us, we comforted ourselves in the knowledge that it really wasn't our fault. Not really. You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore."
--Commander William Adama (Miniseries)


Lee Adama: "Did the defendant make mistakes? Sure. He did. Serious mistakes. But did he actually commit any crimes? Did he commit treason? No. I mean, it was an impossible situation. When the Cylons arrived, what could he possibly do? What could anyone have done? [. . .] What would you have done? If he had refused to surrender, the Cylons would have probably nuked the planet right then and there. So did he appear to cooperate with the Cylons? Sure. So did hundreds of others. What's the difference between him and them? The President issued a blanket pardon. They were all forgiven, no questions asked. [. . .] I'd say we are very forgiving of mistakes. We make our own laws now; our own justice. And we've been pretty creative in finding ways to let people off the hook for everything from theft to murder. And we've had to be, because...because we're not a civilization anymore. We are a gang, and we are on the run, and we have to fight to survive. We have to break rules. We have to bend laws. We have to improvise. But not this time, no. Not this time. Not for Gaius Baltar. (looking at Baltar) No, have to die, because, well, because we don't like you very much. Because you're arrogant. Because you're weak. Because you're a coward, and we, the mob, want to throw you out of the airlock, because you didn't stand up the Cylons and get yourself killed in the process. That's justice now. You should have been killed back on New Caprica, but since you had the temerity to live, we're going to execute you now. That's justice. "
--Crossroads, Part II


Commander Jack Fisk: Is Madam President always so "right in your face"?

Gaius Baltar: Her last-minute resurrection seems to have invigorated her somewhat.
Fisk: Yeah, well, maybe too much. She doesn't really think her made-up plans and regulations are going to change anything, does she?

--Black Market


Number Six: You know you're not safe.

Doctor Gaius Baltar: No, course not. The Cylons will follow us again, as they have the last two hundred and thirty-seven times.
Six: You're right, you know. There are limits. Eventually you'll make a mistake.
Baltar: And then you'll kill us all. Yes. Yes, I know, but...not for another thirty-three minutes.



Gaius Baltar: What's all this graph business?

CPO Galen Tyrol: It's a five-paragraph order. It's a basic command tool. It's taught at officer candidate school. It's just not usually used this... literally in the field.



"Looking at it in a post-9/11 world, brings with it a different resonance than it did (in 1978 ). It's a surprisingly dark premise. Twelve entire planets are wiped out in the pilot; entire civilizations destroyed and the survivors are on the run from the enemy. They're not heroically doing anything except trying to survive and hunting for a place called Earth... In the original version, where the characters are coming to peace, and in the version I want to tell where they are at peace, suddenly this bolt from the blue happens and it just shocks their collective psyche in a very profound way... What happens to the people in Galactica is what happened to us in September, but in several orders of magnitude larger. It's sort of like saying September 11th happens, but the only people who survive are the people inside the Twin Towers. So it feels like what we'll be able to do is play out the psychic and emotional reverberations of that kind of an apocalypse through the characters and through the series."
--Ronald D. Moore, in an interview with SFX Magazine, June 22

[ As he rips down a NCP recruitment poster ]

"If you work for the toasters, it's treason."

--Lieutenant Tucker "Duck" Clellan (Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Episode 1).

"Ladies and gentlemen, please. Please. We are in a laboratory. There are hazardous chemical compounds everywhere. That--that's a thermo-nuclear bomb, for frak's sake, so..."
--Dr. Gaius Baltar (Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down)

Jammer: Wait a minute. You want to hide firearms in the temple?... It's sacrilege.

Colonel Saul Tigh: Well, tell you what. You say a prayer, ask the Gods to forgive us. We move the guns in tonight.

--Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Episode 2

Samuel Anders: Galactica's not coming back. Just accept that.

Colonel Saul Tigh: The old man is not just going to leave us to the Cylons.


"And I don’t like being accused of participating in the genocide of the human race based solely on the word of a woman whom I have already indicated to you may well be a Cylon agent...I did not conspire with the Cylons. I’m an innocent man who is being convicted in the court of public opinion without trial."
--Dr. Gaius Baltar (Six Degrees of Separation)

"Sometimes you gotta roll the hard six."

--Commander William Adama (The Hand of God)
--Captain Lee Adama (Valley of Darkness)

--Sharon Valerii (Flight of the Phoenix)

Number Three: Is the love of that man really worth losing all of this?

Caprica-Six: If you had ever experienced love, you wouldn't have to ask.


"Oh, don't blow up on me, you bastard."
--Lt. Kara Thrace (Flight of the Phoenix)

"Can they really be that different from one another? Commander, if you're asking me if it's possible that your judgement's been clouded by your history with this particular Cylon model, well, I'd have to say yes. But... we created them. There's always a chance we might find common ground."
--Laura Roslin (Flight of the Phoenix)

"There's a reason we separate military and the police: one fights the enemy of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."
--Commander William Adama (Water)

"I make these demands not for me... but for you, the people. The survivors of the holocaust and the children of humanity's future. I am Tom Zarek, and this is the first day of a new era."
--Tom Zarek (Bastille Day)

"You never should have brought me back in the service. If you'd just let me be, I'd have died back there on Caprica along with everyone else, and been happier for it. I don't want a command. I never did. Don't you dare die on me now."
--Colonel Saul Tigh (Scattered)

"My name is Gaius Baltar, and I am here to help you."
--Dr. Gaius Baltar (Pegasus)

"In the fight to protect our future, we must confront our past, the lies we've told, the decisions we'd made, the people we have loved. As the struggle for survival continues, we can't face our enemy until we face ourselves."
--Colonel Saul Tigh, narration (Season 3 teaser)

"It suffered no serious head injuries and therefore no physical damage to its neural pathways or cognitive reasoning centers. But it's quite clearly traumatized, which would suggest that its current condition is psychological in nature. Had you thought of that? No. It shows that the Cylon consciousness is just as susceptible to the same pressures and cleavages as the human psyche, it can be manipulated in the same fashion. Simply put, Admiral, you have already used the stick. It's time to use a carrot."
--Dr. Gaius Baltar (Pegasus)

"You have work to do."
--Commander William Adama (Pegasus)

"I have a soul. I see patterns. I know you, you're damaged. You were born to a woman who believes that suffering was good for the soul, so you suffered. Life is a testament to pain, injuries, accidents. Some inflicted upon others, some inflicted upon yourself. Surrounds you like a bubble but it's not... real it's just -- that's just something she put into your head. It's something that you wanna believe 'cause it means that you're the problem, not the world that you live in. You wanna believe it because... it means that you're bad luck. Like a cancer that needs to be removed. Because you hear her voice every day and you want her to be right."

--A copy of Leoben Conoy (Flesh and Bone)

"That is one ugly baby."
--Chief Peter Laird (Pegasus)

"Get your men ready, or I will find someone who can!"
--Admiral William Adama to Commander Lee Adama (Occupation)


"This is the Admiral. You've heard the news. You know the mission. You should also know that there is only one way that this mission ends, and that's with the successful rescue of our people off of New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together you accomplished a feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the Gods once knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting."
--Admiral William Adama (Exodus, Part I)

"There's no boundaries for the Cylons, there's no boundaries for us!"
--Colonel Saul Tigh (Occupation)

"Look, you're worried that I'm not gonna pull it out of the fire with some high-risk retina-detaching move, the way Starbuck would. Well, Kara, I'm sorry you're not suiting up. Because, believe me, everyone will feel so much better, me included, if you were riding along with us. But this isn't an ego trip, this is my job. And don't think for one moment that I will not get it done."
--Captain Lee Adama (The Hand of God)

"Actually, I do [think that my pilots deserve special consideration]. Like everyone else, my pilots have lost their families, and their friends, everyone they ever cared about. But on top of that, they're asked to put their lives on the line every single day for a fleet that seems more interested in what they do wrong than in what they do right. They're not asking for your pity, but they damn well deserve your respect."
--Captain Lee Adama (Final Cut)

"We were docking at Scorpian Fleet Shipyard. We were getting ready to go for a three-month overhaul. Most of the crew was getting ready for extended shore leave and family reunions. XO had the deck. I was down in my quarters, wrapping up some paperwork, and getting ready to pack up and go home to Tauron. And that's when the Cylons attacked. They hit the shipyard with three, maybe four nukes. Five ships, two of them battlestars, they were destroyed right there. And by the time I got back to CIC, I discovered that I'd lost over 700 men."
--Admiral Helena Cain (Pegasus)

Captain Karl "Helo" Agathon: All decks finally report condition o­ne, sir. Should we launch the alert fighters?

Admiral Adama: Begin jump prep. We're leaving. But we'll be back. Start your prep.

--Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II

Galen Tyrol: This is crazy. You know, we'll need to figure out whose side we're on.

Saul Tigh: Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction where ever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that.


[ After hearing that contact had been established with New Caprica ]

"It's gonna be okay. It's really gonna be okay."

--Admiral William Adama (Occupation)

"Pilots call me 'Starbuck', you may refer to me as 'God'. You have all flown before but you're about to enter a whole new world, so pay attention. We don't have any flight simulators o­nboard so we're putting you in the cockpit... today. This is a Viper Mark II. It's as maneuverable as a jackrabbit and can flip end for end in point-three-five seconds. You have never flown anything remotely like it so don't think that you have. Today we will be doing basic launch, approach and landing maneuvers. Anyone not paying attention is liable to end up as a puddle of something to be hosed out of the cockpit by the chief of the deck."
--Lt. Kara Thrace (Act of Contrition)

"They expect us to take this lying down? Now you're flying a frakking Raptor. It's humiliating."
--Lt. Kara Thrace (Pegasus)

"This is the Commander. Moments ago, this ship received word of a Cylon attack against our homeworlds is under way. We do not know the size or the disposition or the strength of the enemy forces, but all indications point to a massive assault against Colonial defenses. Admiral Nagala has taken personal command of the Fleet aboard the battlestar Atlantia following the complete destruction of Picon Fleet Headquarters in the first wave of the attacks. How, why doesn't really matter now. What does matter is that as of this moment, we are at war."
--Commander William Adama (Miniseries)

Captain Lee Adama : Sir, "Apollo" is just my call sign. My name is Lee Adama.

President Laura Roslin : I know who you are, but "Captain Apollo" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?


Will make contact this freq every twelve hours. Prepare sitrep for command authority.

Have hope.

We're coming for you.

Message from Admiral Adama to the New Caprica Resistance.


Number Six: Your escape is a temporary one at best. We will find you.

Dr. Gaius Baltar: Yeah, you can try. It's a big universe.
Number Six: You haven't addressed the real problem, of course.
Baltar: Yes, yes. There may be Cylon agents living among us, waiting to strike at any moment.
Number Six: Some may not even know they're Cylons at all. They could be sleeper agents programmed to perfectly impersonate human beings until activation.
Baltar: If there are Cylons aboard this ship, we'll find them.
Number Six: We? You're not on their side, Gaius.
Baltar: I am not on anybody's side.


"You know, sometimes I think that you've got ice water in those veins. And other times, I think you're just a naive little school teacher. I've sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something. It don't make a godsdamn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they're just as dead. So, take your piety, and your moralizing, and your high-minded principles, and stick 'em somewhere safe until you're off the rock and sitting in your nice, cushy chair on Colonial One again. I've got a war to fight."
--Saul Tigh to Laura Roslin about the suicide bombings on New Caprica (Precipice)

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